Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 10 Experience

Tigers Eye attracts money

Stimulates wealth by attracting money into the life of the wearer but at the same time, it helps you keep the wealth you have and it prevents you from becoming abusive with your money or greedy.

Take a Tiger Eye out on the night of the full moon, hold it to the moon and ask that she Bless it to draw money into your life. Allow it to sit in the moonlight as long as possible, then take it in an keep it in your pocket or purse along with your money to draw more into your life. 
Today I read this book call "The power of subconcious mind", it helps remind me again the power of my subconcious mind, very often I ignore and never fully utilize this power, now I realize that when I fully utilize and i can accomplish bigger goal fast! So the very first step for me is to be aware in my mind all the time of this concept, positive thought, inner peace in my heart, whatever happen in life, just keep calm down, look solution from susconcious mind.
Today I am appreciate:
1. I reconstruct my daily action plan towards my goals
2. I am aware the power of subconcious mind
3. I have a healthly body and no more headache!
4. I forgive myself for all the wrong things I did in the passed.

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